Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Dear God, I'm All Ears.

Ever feel like you're spinning your wheels? Lately I've been giving a lot of thought to how I'm using my life.

I ask myself, "Is the way I'm spending my time a true reflection of my values?"

I wonder, "If I cut out the clutter of daily life, how much time could I free up to accomplish things of greater importance?"

These are the big questions that fill my mind as I go about the daily grind. I find myself wondering if I am full filling God's plan for me. I'm a true believer that we all have a purpose and a calling bigger than we'll ever know. I also believe that we have to be open to the Spirit, ready and willing to do the work, say the words, lend the support, give the love, and meet the needs God sets before us. I look for these opportunities, I wonder what's next and I pray I'm not missing any of the signs God is giving me.

Sometimes I wish I could see the playbook. I worry about getting too comfortable and complacent. I guess it's good to question - to be searching for a sense of wholeness that comes when your values and lifestyle are in sync, when your life and your work are in harmony, when your response to the needs of others is timely and thoughtful, when you follow the example of Jesus and set that example for others, when you go to bed at night confident that you lived the day you were called to live.

So I search, I question, I work, I pray, I wonder, and I say, "Dear God, I'm all ears. Tell me how I can best serve you."

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