Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The Good Life

If I were to go back and start over I would call this blog The Good Life.

Really, pinch me. This ordinary life of mine is sweeter than I ever could have imagined.

Right now, as I type, Landrie is crawling around my feet, Calvin is digging for treasures in a plant, the leaves outside my window are ablaze in all their autumn glory and soon the big girls will be home from school and Scott will return from a business conference. We'll gather around a tuna casserole, talk, laugh, catch up, connect. We'll do homework, have baths, read a bed time story. This is, indeed, the good life.

It's not thrilling or dramatic or the stuff that movies are made of but it is definitely very good. And good, my friends, is vastly underrated.

I try to keep my eyes and heart open to the little things that make life sparkle. I don't want to miss a moment of the magic. I try to look people in the eye, to really listen to them, to not waste my time or energy on the things that distract me from what is important. I work hard to be in the moment with those who matter most -my husband, my children, my friends, my God. I want to go to my grave knowing that I not only lived the good life, I relished in it. I soaked up as much as I could and radiated it back to the world around me. That's a life well lived.

In the sea of stress, heartbreak and problems that threaten to pull us under, I invite you to join me and take refuge on Good Life Island - not a place, but a state of mind, where we let go of things that are beyond our control and cast our cares to God, trusting and celebrating that what is good in this life far outweighs what is not.

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