Friday, October 9, 2009

Downright Drenched!

Last weekend we had our annual women's retreat through our church. The theme was "Women of the Water". Getting ready for the retreat is a lot of work for me, our committee members and several of my staff mates. We write, plan, shop, cook, and try to anticipate every detail so the weekend is meaningful for the participants. This year our numbers were down. The economy and scheduling conflicts kept some of our regulars away. Still, wherever two or more are gathered to share, pray, laugh, eat, drink some wine and soul search - magical things happen.

Twenty "women of the water" shared an incredibly special time. As I sit here in my sun room, listening to the rain bounce off the window panes, my thoughts drift back to our water inspired weekend. I arrived not even knowing I was thirsty and today, one week later, I am still downright drenched.

How incredible to be immersed in friendship and faith building with a community of women seeking the same. How delightful to see God's hand at work in our sessions, conversations and deeper connections. I was blessed to really get to know some amazing women and take my friendship with them to a deeper level. Don't you love how in learning more about someone else you ultimately learn so much about yourself?

"Women of the Water" is, as the say, 'in the can'. I've already started thinking about next year's retreat. But I won't soon forget the time we shared together this year, or how much it meant to me to be part of it. Rain or shine, we are women of the water, living out a promise made in Baptism that keeps us well hydrated throughout even the longest and most challenging journey.

I hope our time together gave deeper meaning to the idea of walking wet. Here's hoping we never completely dry out.

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