Friday, November 20, 2009

Yesterday We Asked God for a Miracle and He Answered Right Back

The past couple of days have been scary.  Late Wednesday night my  friend and neighbor called to say she was taking her two-year old son to Children's Hospital.  Earlier in the day he had been seen by his pediatrician for some pretty disconcerning symptoms and my friend decided the "wait and see" approach she had been prescribed was not enough.

Her husband was traveling for work so she made arrangements for her two other children, loaded up her toddler and headed out in search of answers.  The news was not good.  Initial testing led the doctors to believe that it was likely bladder cancer.

Our friends were able to keep their family and friends updated through Facebook and, right before our eyes, a virtual prayer chain was formed.  I have mixed feelings about social networking.  I enjoy the instant access to friends but the whole concept is at odds with my own need to be a bit insular.  In this case, I felt immediately connected to people throughout the country who were loving and praying for this child.  I told his mom that it felt like a tangible prayer blanket was being weaved around their family.

The doctors went ahead with a biopsy.  As we held our breath, God breathed his blessings on this family.  What looked like a cancerous tumor to a team of highly specialized doctors now seems to be something else.  It looks like little E. is going to be ok.

Sometimes we wonder if God is listening.  We wonder, in the grand scheme of the world, where do our daily concerns register?  Yesterday God reminded us that he walks with us.  We don't always get the outcome we want; but sometimes we do.  Either way, we do not take this journey alone.

Yesterday we asked God for a miracle... and he answered right back.

1 comment:

  1. You and your blogs are truly amazing and inspiring! Thank you for sharing your gifts!
