Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Road Trip

"Laughter is an instant vacation."
 - Milton Berle

It's spring break and guess who isn't going anywhere again this year?  Yep, me. 

The big problem with spring break is that it falls right during the heart of tax season and my husband, the CPA, is not even coming up for air right now never mind taking a vacation. I am in picturesque Racine, Wisconsin enjoying a week at home, essentially alone, with my four kiddos. 

Actually, it's been a pretty good week.  Lots of playing outside, reading books, coloring, and going to the park.  Not too shabby.

Today I went to work for a few hours and coersed (pretty easily) one of my co-workers into taking a road trip with me.  I'm working on a program and needed some supplies and her second opinion.  Off we went.

I should have known it would be a productive trip (add sarcasm) when we started driving out of the parking lot and realized that we didn't have directions or an address.  After a quick call to the office we were back in business - until the boss called to say he'd found my wallet in the bathroom.  Not to be deterred, we forged ahead with the understanding that Carol would be in charge of the day's finances. 

About thirty minutes in and clearly lost, we stopped for another quick call to the office navigator, filled my tank with gas on Carol's dime, and we were off and running.  We finally reached what turned out to be a dirty and dismal destination, made some executive descisions and purchases, and stopped for a bite to eat. 

As is usually the case when I'm with Carol, I spent most the day laughing.  Her good sense of humor and easy way are a real blessing to me.  I came home reminded that sometimes a little break from the daily grind is all we really need.  So, I can honestly say that I am not envious of your trips to Florida, the Dominican Republic, California or Arizona (you know who you are).  I went to Oak Creek for spring break... so take that!


  1. Best part of my spring break too! I'll send you the bill.


  2. Love it! Laughter an amazing blessing!!
