Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Star light, Star bright

Today is Epiphany, the day of the church year when we think about the three wise men, who followed the star until it stopped to rest above the manger in Bethlehem. I like to think about the bright glow of that special star and how it led them to baby Jesus.  What a journey that must have been.

There's something magical about stars. I grew up in rural, northwestern Wisconsin where the dark night sky was the perfect backdrop for twinkling stars. Even now I love to sit outside on a summer night with a glass of wine, good conversation, and an eye to the sky.

Stars give us a glimpse of another galaxy. They make us think about what else is out there. They remind us that there is beauty beyond our world and mysteries beyond our knowledge.

The three wise men followed the star in search of something wonderful. We can, too.

Where is the bright light of Christ guiding you?

Are you living your life as if you are following the star that leads to Jesus?

Not only can we follow the star, we can be the star. Through our good works, generosity, compassion, open-mindedness, and concern for all creation we can be a guiding light in the world around us.

God shepherds us through this life in ways that are both subtle and bright, always moving us toward something more, something so much bigger than ourselves.  This new year, whether you are following or leading, think of the star and shine.

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