Friday, August 21, 2009

Something in the Air

There was something in the air this morning. I could feel it from the moment I opened my eyes - before I even felt the wind. The forecast called for rain but I woke up to a bright and breezy morning. I was thrilled. I love a windy day. It's part of the reason fall is my favorite season. It's also part of the reason I love living where I do, on the banks of Lake Michigan, right in the line of the lake breeze.

Today when I opened my doors and windows there was something different, something marvelous about the breeze. I went outside and came back in commenting that this was the most refreshing wind I have ever felt. "Go outside" I said, "you've got to feel this."

Once inside I did a quick check of the news of the day and the two blogs I follow each morning - one about my friend Megan's son (see older post about Phoenix) and the other about my friend Sue who is battling cancer. There it was. The news I knew was coming but still didn't expect to read. Sue died peacefully last night at home in the loving company of her family.

I instantly knew there was indeed something in the air. Sue was a remarkable woman of faith, family, humor, joy, adventure and love. Of course she would spend some time circling this Earth, free from the pain and confines of cancer. She was, afterall, a pilot. When a spirit like that is set free it is sure to blow through you and wash over you in a way that is no ordinary wind can.

I quickly rounded up my four children. "Get your shoes on. We have to go outside. Quick, before she's gone." We walked to the lake, looked out at the horizon, let the wind blow through our hair and our hearts. I told them about my friend and how her beautiful example taught me lessons about grace, faith and kindness.

I asked her, "Is it really like this?" "Is it really this fresh and free and fullfilling?" As I stood there, listening to the wind playfully blow through the trees and the lake, I knew the answer was a definitive "yes."

There is someone in the air today. She has been released in a gust of God's glory. It's only natural to want to reach out and touch her but we can't. You can't bottle the wind. But you can spread your arms, close your eyes and let her spirit blow through you knowing that today, a remarkable spirit is breezing toward Heaven and, at last, the peace she deserves.

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