Thursday, February 11, 2010

The Good Samaritans

It seems like good news rarely makes the news these days. Maybe that’s why it’s so refreshing to hear something positive.

Have you heard the local story about the Snow Samaritans? Tuesday’s dose of winter weather kept young people around southeastern Wisconsin home from school and gave many area adults added chores related to snow removal. Not so in one inner-city Milwaukee neighborhood. There, three boys, thirteen year old Rasheed Harris his twelve year old brother Koran and their twelve year old cousin Rahagee Burns started the day by shoveling their grandmother’s sidewalk and driveway. When they finished that job, they moved to the neighbor’s house and they didn’t stop there. The trio braved cold temperatures and wind as they made their way up and down their central city block. They didn’t ask for money or for anything in exchange for their good deed. In fact, many neighbors were surprised to look outside and see their snow already removed and the three boys busy at another house.

This act of goodwill got a lot of attention, even from local news outlets. When asked why the boys spent their day in service to their neighbors they responded by saying they wanted to be good Samaritans. They had recently studied the parable of the Good Samaritan at Milwaukee Lutheran Special School where the three are students. “We learned about the Good Samaritan and how anyone in need should be considered your neighbor,” said Rasheed. They said since that lesson they have been talking about ways to put what they learned to good use discussing how they might rake leaves or help neighbors with yard work. Tuesday snow was an opportunity they couldn’t pass up.

In a culture where bad news is big news these three boys remind us that doing the right thing is indeed noteworthy.

Perhaps there is no stronger way to spread our faith than by living it - generously and without expectation. The secret to living a Christ-centered life isn’t a secret at all. Jesus tells us how he wants us to live. He asks that we embrace his loving example and pass it on to our neighbor.

In the wake of a winter storm, three young boys lived out their faith, clearing a path for us to do the same.

Long Time, No Blog

It's been awhile since I've posted anything here.  Rest assured I've still been writing.  In fact, I'm just finishing up a really inspiring project.  I recently had an opportunity to submit seven daily devotions for a publication called The Word in Season printed by Augsburg Fortress, the publishing house of the ELCA.  I'm excited about this chance to stretch my writing chops.  It came about after a friend told a friend about my interest in writing faith-based materials.  Funny how life works, isn't it?  How God creates opportunities for us at every turn.